Everyone’s favorite week, Homecoming Spirit Week. occurred on the third week of school this year, and students had a great time.
The daily themes were Pool Day on Monday, Twinning Tuesday, Class Color on Wednesday, Disco on Thursday in honor of the Homecoming dance theme, and Friday was GHS Spirit.
Junior Joslyn Durocher shares her favorite part of the pep rally, “My favorite part was the guy cheerleading because they could not hold each other up and kept on falling and it was a good laugh.” Durocher said.
Pep rally day is always something students enjoy and have a great time. Every student is engaged and showing their school spirit. The senior boys also love showing their school spirit with guy poms.
“To be honest I never knew the entire dance,” senior Trevor Picago said. “I was at 3 total practices that were each maybe 30 minutes but I wanted to sign up for guy poms because I just wanted to be involved in everything that I can, especially because it’s my senior year now. I also just wanted to see how difficult it really could be.”
The boys did not come up with the routine all by themselves though, they had theThe Poms Team help them with the dance and to learn the routine.
“It honestly didn’t take us that long to come up with the routine,” senior poms member Brynn Hegedus said. “Everyone had to think of a small part of what they wanted to go into the routine and then we just put everything together and see what worked. My favorite part was the boys walking out to the song, it just makes me laugh seeing them start.”
The Pep Rally would not be the same without our Emcees.Seniors Addison Benning and Tess Zaja worked really hard to make the Pep Rally great and we couldn’t have done it without them.
“I feel so honored that I got to speak at the pep rally this year and it was such a fun moment in my life for me. It took a little bit to come up with the script and see if people liked it, but when we finished I think it turned out great,” Benning said.
Benning and Zaja are also in the student council and were one of the main people who put the whole pep rally together.
“Speaking at the pep rally was such an exciting opportunity especially since this is my last year in high school,” Zaja said.
Another great part of the Pep Rally is seeing who won Homecoming king and queen by opening up a bag and seeing who has the crown. This year it was seniors, Ilija Pupovac and Margret Rice.
“I felt, and still feel, so excited that people wanted me to be Homecoming royalty. It made my day knowing I was supported and appreciated by my peers,” Rice said.
“I feel really thankful that the majority of people who voted were for me, and it was definitely a life experience I will remember,” Pupovac said.
While the pep rally was a great time it wouldn’t be the same without the winners of spirit week. Seniors, Delaney Eggert and Nicholai Galusha won this year and they really went above and beyond with their outfits for the whole week. They did not miss a single day or fail to succeed in the theme. As seniors realize it is their last year to participate and really enjoy spirit week.
“I went all out for spirit week. They are one of my favorite times of the year, and there are only so many of them so why not go all out,” Galusha said.
Eggert was feeling the same way. “I didn’t even know they awarded a spirit king and queen until like halfway through the week. I just decided to go all out because it’s my last homecoming and my friends and I always love doing spirit week,” she said.
Pep rally and Spirit week are one of the most favorite events in the school for staff and students. This year was a great year and it will be hard to beat. It is something to look forward to next year and for seniors, it is always something to look back on and remember.