Boys’ soccer season has begun

Boys' soccer season has begun

Jah Reyes, Staff Writer

The boys soccer season has started after being postponed, and there will be many changes like playing with masks, different opponents and limits on spectators. 

Because many soccer teams play in the fall, it changes their whole schedule. So instead of them playing the teams in their conference they’re playing new teams from all over the area. Also this year they only played 10 games, versus last year they played 22. 

Even though the season won’t be the same, players are happy they get to play. “I’m excited we still get to play soccer but we don’t play any real competition this year except Shorewood,” senior Jonny Hottinger said.

Soccer tryouts started March 22 and their first game is March 30. Since they had a long off-season, the players had to work hard to stay in shape. “During the off-season I played a lot of indoor soccer,” senior Braden Sinks said.

State games are always a big deal in any high school sport. The energy and emotion of the players and the crowd during those games, whether you are playing or not, is unmatched, and anyone who plays a varsity sport should be able to feel that energy. 

But with soccer starting in spring unfortunately they will not have a state. “This is my last season so it sucks that we don’t have a state game this year, but I’m just happy we get to play,” Sinks said.

With the season starting in spring it changes a couple things. One of the main changes is that the soccer team wasn’t able to do any outdoor preparation in the off-season, which causes some of the players to be out of shape. 

Another change is the weather, in the spring it tends to rain a lot more than in other seasons, and if it rains on game days the game gets cancelled. “I don’t mind playing in the spring but I would rather play in the fall because it’s better weather for soccer,” junior Nick Litzau said.
Hopefully Covid cases continue to stay low so that the team can have a full season.