Students have fun over Spring Break


Nikola Mastilovic, Staff Writer

After missing out on Spring Break in 2020 because of the Covid-19 pandemic, people were excited to get the chance to finally go back on vacation for Spring Break In 2021. 

One person who couldn’t wait for Spring Break was junior Olivia Ortiz. “We went on a 12 day trip staying in Panama City Beach, Florida and also stopped in Nashville the last 2 days,” she said. 

Ortiz describes some of the things she did on her break, “We spent the days in the pool or at the beach, went parasailing, ate good food, shopped for prom dresses.” 

Going down to the beaches was a common theme among students who went on Spring Break this year. Senior Keegan Kapocious and junior Jordan “Smoove” Gruel were among a group of families that went down Gulf Shores Alabama. 

Kapocious said his favorite part about spring break was, “Spending time with my great friends. Getting to play Spike Ball on the beach, and blasting country music was electrifying.” Days on the beach are always a good time, especially when they consist of spikeball and country music. Kapocius and Gruel, along with a number of other friends, spent most of their time  on the beach and trying different varieties of food. 

Junior Zach Sheridan and Gruel were huge fans of “Chronic Taco”, which was a massive burrito with loaded potatoes. “Those were probably the best burritos I’ve ever had,” they said.

Senior Mary Lokker, also spent her Spring Break somewhere warm and far away from Wisconsin. She went down to Arziona for her Spring Break along with her sisters, where they stayed for a week. “The best part about Arizona was hiking through the Vast Mountains as well as going to the Aquarium and seeing so many cool fishies,” she said.

 Lokker was also able to stay in Las Vegas for a night. “We went to Gordon Ramsey’s Steakhouse and even got to stay in the Trump Hotel,” she said.

Sophomore Matt Miksic also got to spend four days of his Spring Break in Las Vegas. Although he’s not of the legal age to have fun in Vegas, Matt still had a great time. “We walked the strip a lot, got to see all the casinos and even got to see some cool street shows,” he said. 

Senior Ozzy Saavedra was one of the few students who got to go out of the country on Spring Break. He went to an all inclusive resort in Cancun, Mexico where he stayed for five days. “The trip was filled with nice weather for the whole time we were there. The resort also had a dope pool, and I was even able to feed a monkey and go scuba diving with sharks,” he said. 

Overall Greendale students were able to enjoy their spring break and get out of this cold weather.