Greendale Theatre Brings Musical “Footloose” to the Stage

March 9, 2023
Since the middle of December, members of GHS theater have been preparing for their production of the musical Footloose. Cast and crew have been working diligently to prepare for opening night, which falls on Friday, March 10.
“I’m so excited to perform and showcase all of the hard work we’ve put into the show,” senior Tony Galusha said.
Galusha plays the lead, Ren McCormack, who moves from Chicago to a small town in Texas called Bomont, where he soon learns that dancing is strictly prohibited. “One of the hardest parts of being Ren is some of the really high notes that he hits throughout the show and learning all the dance choreography. Not to mention, learning how to roller skate was especially challenging,” he said.
As Ren attempts to change the law in Bomont, he faces pushback from the church and Reverend Shaw Moore, played by senior Roarke Mlenar. The teens of Bomont are hesitant to dance, but Ren soon teaches them that they need to let go of their past. Some of the other main characters are Ariel, played by senior Ella Vitrano, and her mother, Vi, played by junior Jocelyn Dummert. Also at the forefront of much of the musical are Rusty, Ariel’s best friend, played by junior Bryn Richards, and Willard, played by sophomore Ethan Reyes.
The show is full of amazing dance numbers that often involve the entire cast. “I am super proud of how the dances have come along,” junior featured dancer Kennedy Kapocius said. “The entire cast has been working really hard on their choreography and it has definitely paid off.”
For many newcomers to theater, learning so many dances was one of the most challenging aspects of the musical. “I really had to step out of my comfort zone and actually dance for once and it was hard but I did it,” sophomore Nathan Prince said.
As for the set, the crew has worked extremely hard to bring audiences into the world of Bomont. The set includes a church, a town hall, a restaurant, a school, and a bar, all with a stationary bridge in the middle of the stage.
“I’m most proud of the Burger Blast scene set and props,” sophomore crew member Quinn Steinman said. “I spent at least six hours on the hanging sign, designing, cutting foam, and painting. I love how it all came together.”
The Burger Blast is the restaurant that the students of Bomont High School frequent, and other crew members agree that this set is one of their favorites. “I am most excited for the audience to see the Burger Blast scene because the set and the props look amazing and crew added a lot of small details that make the scene look complete,” sophomore Colette Booth said.
Freshman Kyla Bassler, who plays Urleen, said the number she is most excited about is the song “Holding Out For a Hero,” which takes place in the Burger Blast restaurant. “Ella [Vitrano] and the dancers are amazing,” she said.
Theater director Jeff Schaetzke has dedicated long hours to making sure the musical turns out the best it can, and he is very proud of how it has come along. “The cast has been working hard,” he said. “Sharpening dances, learning their tracks, staying healthy, keeping up with their schoolwork and other commitments, and the cast and crew are now coming together to all work towards the same goal. I’m super impressed and excited for everyone to celebrate this group.”
Others adults have been crucial to the progression of the musical, like choreographer Stephanie Staszack, choir teacher Mike Jones, and auditorium manager Anna Dombrowski.
During the many weeks of rehearsal, many bonds and friendships have been forged, which helps to add to the energy of the show. Sophomore cast member Eva Marquez said that the things she will miss most are “the moments spent dancing backstage lipsyncing the words, moments giving hugs after an incredible show, and the high fives.”
Everyone involved in the show is excited to show off all their hard work and have a wonderful opening night. “People should come because live theater is awesome. Greendale Theatre is awesome, and it’s so much better to attend a live performance than binge another something from your couch,” Schaetzke said.
The musical opens on Friday, March 10 at 7 pm, followed by performances on March 11, 17, and 18 at the same time, and a matinee on March 12 at 2 pm.