The release of MLB the Show 23 is a Hit

April 20, 2023
One of the most popular video games just released its latest version, MLB The Show 23, and players were hyped.
Sports fans love this game as many feel it’s the only good baseball game out there.This game comes out once a year, and there are many game modes you can play. A fan favorite mode is Diamond Dynasty in which players can customize their team to the players they want.
Senior Cason Wilson loves Diamond Dynasty because he likes to customize his team and get the players he likes to be on his team. “I like Diamond Dynasty because when I hit a perfect perfect it’s the best feeling because I like the noise it makes. I also like when I hit a no doubter,” he said.
The MLB The Show series was first only exclusive for PlayStation users, but since they brought it to Xbox many more users were into the game. Before the game came to Xbox PlayStation users had an upper hand and could play the game for a longer time. “I’ve been playing the game for years ever since 2016,” junior Jackson Braley said.
Some fans think that this is the most challenging sports game to play. Junior Matthew Hernandez likes to play sports games and he loves baseball, but he thinks that this game is challenging. “What I don’t like about this game is that hitting the ball is too hard,” he said.