As the school year inches towards the end of the semester, seniors are feeling the pressure of their senior photo deadline. Many have already submitted their photos while others have not taken theirs yet. Why?
Multiple students took their photos in the summer for the sunny and warm look. Others took theirs in the fall for they didn’t find time in the summer or they know the deadline is soon approaching. However, some daring students are waiting until the last moment to take their photos.
Yearbook teacher Kate Wagner is in charge of making sure students get their pictures in and that they adhere to protocol. According to Wagner, Yearbook has not received many submissions yet. “Only about 20, but students like to send them in at the last minute, which is fine. We don’t start with the photos until the December deadline,” Wagner said.
Senior photos are due on Dec. 8, and must follow the picture guidelines. The guidelines include: head and shoulder shots only, neutral background, no hands in the frame, school dress code, and head facing the camera and centered.
But who are the masterminds behind these photos? Some students get them professionally done, while others get them taken by a family member or friend. There are benefits to both.
Senior student Liliana Kalinyen took her pictures in downtown Milwaukee at the start of the school year. “I got my pictures taken by a professional photographer, but I also know her through family and friends,” Kalinyen said. “She also took my siblings’ photos.”
By word of mouth, most students have gotten a photographer that they already knew, rather than a random professional photographer. This way, students and parents are more comfortable getting the pictures taken and giving feedback or ideas from the photographer.
Some students struggle finding ways to get pictures taken without spending too much money on a professional. “If you want professional photos, make the appointment asap,” Wagner advises. “Places like JCPenny’s do a nice job as well. Student ID photos look really nice and are on a professional background with good lighting, so we can also use that photo–and it is free!”
But no matter when or where students get their pictures taken, senior photos are a very important part of senior year. It’s a special moment for seniors to recognize their accomplishments, have a snapshot from their final year of high school, and realize how close they are to the finish line.
“I think it is important to look back at your memories, and the best way to look back is with pictures,” senior student Aidan Golumski said. “Especially because you look snazzy.”