From the hallowed halls of Greendale Middle School to the sprawling campus of Greendale High School, ninth grade marks a crucial transition for the Class of 2027. The freshmen have been in a whirlwind of new experiences like new classes, more homework, and new friendships.
Over the years, freshmen have enjoyed their first year at GHS as they take the opportunity to take new electives. Freshmen will always have a favorite memory or something they liked throughout their first year of high school.
“One thing I liked about GHS was the number of electives I could choose and having friends in my classes, which made me enjoy high school a lot throughout my freshman year,” freshman Korben Pfeifer said.
Freshmen needed more time to be ready for the amount of homework and the class’s multiple exams, such as the Pre-ACT. By the end of semester one, the class has already adapted to the amount of tests and homework they’d gotten from classes.
“I was worried about the amount of homework and tests I had in semester one, but I’ve been used to it and I’ve gotten my work done in time,” freshman Ryan Hajewski said. “One thing I would tell incoming freshmen is to not be worried about the amount of homework, as they need to prepare themselves for the homework and remain calm during the first year of Greendale High School.”
Many students have advised the incoming freshmen to take many clubs and sports because activities like these make the school year more fun.
“If I had to advise the incoming freshmen, it is to take many clubs and sports because to me, this school year has been more fun as I’ve been enjoying school by hanging out with my friends while playing sports,” freshman Brady Lindholm said.
While the journey may have had its share of missteps and growing pains, it ultimately paved the way for personal growth. The lesson learned both inside and outside of school is to enjoy school for the next 3 years.