This year, the teachers at GHS are using phone caddies in their classrooms more than ever before.
Although it does not directly say in the student handbook that phone caddies are mandatory throughout the school, teachers are finding them to be beneficial to students and their academic learning.
Even though teachers think that phone caddies are beneficial for students, students to have a different opinion.
“I think they are more strict now compared to my freshman year. They were more lenient and you could have your phone whenever,” senior Alex Holthaus said, “Teachers shouldn’t continue continue to use them because it creates a dictatorship and classes are more engaging when they aren’t controlling everything.”
Teachers have decided to be more stern about the phone policy with their students. In the student handbook, it says that phones cannot be used during academic learning.
“Instead of doing a one size fits all approach we said that they have some choices of either putting them away in backpacks where they aren’t visible or they could use a phone caddy,” principal Steve Lodes said
About 50-60 percent of teachers at GHS have been using the phone caddies this year and it is said to not just benefit their students’ learning but their teaching as a whole
“I was inspired by the success of my other colleagues that use phone caddies and I decided to try them out,” English teacher Alli Brimmer said. “It has reduced the need for reminders of behavior with phones, taking less time out of my teaching and increased the success of my students.”
Depending on the teacher is whether or not they are more harsh on phones being in the caddie.
“All my classes require a phone in the caddie,” sophomore Rylee Mcdonnell said. “Some classes check if your phone is in the caddy so I will put my phone in for those hours but the ones that don’t check I don’t put my phone in.”