GHS has returned to using the Edficiency Schedule Success app after having problems with the previous scheduler Securely Flex.
Securely Flex did not fulfill their promises with the school leading the district to having to change it.
“This was done based on the feedback we were getting from our students and staff as well as the fact that the new company was not meeting the expectations of the contract,” Associate Principal Mark Pollex said. “The opportunity was given for us to return to a proven product and the decision was made to go back.”
Edficiency had worked for GHS in the previous year and since Securely Flex did not carry through to Greendale’s expectations the district switched back to something they already knew.
“We feel FLEX is going similar to how it did last year with the exception of confusion around Securly FLEX hence the reason we took the opportunity to go back to Edficiency,” Pollex said.
Edficiency is more user-friendly for students than Securely.
“Edficiency is easier for me because I am able to pick my teachers,” freshman Bella Sincere said.
Students and teachers believe that having flex four times a week is beneficial and the school should keep the schedule.
“I think it’s good that it’s four days a week and we don’t have much advisory because it wastes time,” senior Noah Stanford said.
“I like having it four days a week. I can give more individual help to students that need it,” business teacher Mary Guida, “Truthfully Edficiency is more user-friendly for students and teachers.”
“I think Flex helps me because I am able to pick the teachers that help benefit me the most, and I can study and get all my work done as well as ask any teacher’s questions,” sophomore Jahmaal Medley said.