At the end of this semester, the GHS choir program held a choir fantasy draft. The draft is used to get more students to join choir and to spread the word about the great program here at GHS.
How the draft works is current choir students submit names of people that they think could be convinced to join choir. Music director Michael Jones, prints out all of the submitted names and hangs them up. If current choir students think this person has a good chance of joining, they would write their name on that sheet. Every recruiter who successfully convinces someone to sign up for choir, gets a point, and whichever class has the most points, wins a pizza party!
The first choir draft was in 2021, and it has always worked well to get students to join choir.
“When I came up with the choir draft idea, I was looking for a different way to encourage students in our building to try choir,” Jones said. “It’s hard to try something new. If you’ve never been in choir before, you might think you can’t join or you don’t know how to sing. Luckily, that’s why they hired me – to teach people HOW to sing!”
The point system allows for bonus points to be added, under certain circumstances. If the nominated student is a current sophomore, that’s one additional point. If the nominated student is a tenor/bass, all points double. If the recruiter is a senior, that’s one additional point. If the nominated student is a freshman or an 8th grader, that’s two additional points.
“I think my choir class will win because most of us are seniors, and being a senior earns you an extra point. The people in my choir are also very determined to win a pizza party,” senior choir member Dillon Griffin said.
All of the current choir members are working really hard to recruit people to join the choir at GHS, for many different reasons.
“People should join choir at GHS because it is a nice break in your schedule (and a chance to try something new!) You get to have an hour a day dedicated to signing and building friendships, which I think is really cool,” senior choir member Dylan Hagedorn said.
“Students should join choir because more singers equals more fun! People should join because it gives them experience in a new skill and they can learn a lot from music,” sophomore choir member Trinity Christensen said.
GHS has an amazing choir program and always has room for more people to join. If you’re looking for another class to take, choir is a good option.