Football has been over for a while, and the team is getting ready for next season through the off-season 212 program. It is the rising seniors’ last year playing football, so they know they have to be committed to the process to play the best year they can.
“I have been showing up to 212 almost every day. I am determined to get bigger and stronger so I am ready for next year. I want to be a better player,” junior Logan Nowak said.
The charge for the offseason is head football coach Jermaine Murry.
“At 211 degrees water is hot, adding one more degree generates steam. It’s that one extra degree that pushes student athletes beyond their limits. To inspire another level of effort not seen before,” Murry said.
212 attendance can get bad sometimes, as some people do not want to wake up at 6 a.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays for the lift.
“I feel like more of the team needs to be committed. There is no excuse to miss a lift, even if it’s in the morning. It’s okay to lose a little bit of sleep. Showing up to lifting will benefit the team a lot for next year,” sophomore Will Picago said.
For 212, the morning lifts are upper body, and the after-school lifts are lower body. The after-school lifts consist of hard conditioning after a lift, which makes many guys sweat.
“I like the conditioning we do after our lower body lifts. It gets me tired, but more conditioned. I like doing them because it makes me better and brings the team together, creating a strong bond,” junior Jonathan Lopez said