Educators’ Rising is a club to help bring together students who want to pursue a career in education. This club aims to help students gain experience and interest in the field of education.
“Educators’ Rising Wisconsin allows students in grades 9-12 to explore careers in education, an important step in preparing quality teachers for tomorrow’s schools,” team leader Julie Grotophorst said. “Teaching makes all other careers possible, and there is currently a teacher shortage in the nation.”
Other than educating students the club also helps others who are in need.
“I enjoy Educators’ Rising because of the environment and opportunities,” freshman Chloe Gibson. “We are given the opportunities to help people around us and to create a future in education.”
Educators’ Rising is a student led club that helps students build leadership skills.
“We focus on learning more about a future career in education,” Grotophorst said. “Opportunities in the club include service projects, leadership, and hearing from guest speakers in different career areas about what inspired them to become a teacher.”
This year the team came up with the tissue box donation, a fundraiser where they collected tissue boxes for MPS schools who can not afford them at their school.
“We did get a lot of tissue boxes which I’m excited about for the other schools,“ said sophomore Kaitlyn Frejnik. “I’m happy students and the teachers from the other schools are getting these donations because what would you do if you had to blow your nose?”
Educators’ Rising members have an opportunity to compete against other schools in various competitions like writing a children’s book or debating topics.