With this year’s 2024-2025 cheer season coming to an end many participants on the team are sad because many will not be returning in the next upcoming season. This year there were nine seniors, which will be leaving the cheer mats a little more empty, and they will be missed.
“The energy that the seniors bring and how supportive and outgoing they are and the leaders they have become this season was really inspiring. They will be missed by all of us, ” freshman Aiyana Wallace said.
This year’s competition season for the cheerleaders was fairly successful as the team traveled to Nationals in Orlando Florida and competed in both GameDay Live and Traditional large divisions.
The Cheer team placed second in the Game Day Live division and brought back a trophy and made everyone back here in Greendale very proud.
“I think that we as a team put our best efforts out and we tried our hardest and that’s all that matters,” senior Cali Olszewski said.
The cheer team also had great success with State this year as they placed third in Game Day and first place in the Traditional division and many are sad that the competition season is coming to an end.
“I will miss the feeling of walking off the mats proud and knowing that I and the team put out a great routine with all of my best friends,” sophomore Sarah Larson said.
One thing that is unique for the cheer team is the amount of time the girls spend together throughout the season. The beginning of the season goes from May all the way to the following February which means there is a lot of room for bonding and friendships to be created. Activities the girls do start in the summer and just get used to everyone. Later in the season girls eventually want to hang out with each other outside of cheer activities.
“My teammates are all of my best friends that I can tell everything about too, which is something really special because most sports dont have that because they dont spend almost everyday together like we do,” sophomore Julia Goens said.
All of the seniors who are graduating this year have been a part of Greendale cheer for some time now and are feeling sad that this chapter of their life is coming to an end. The structure, competition and people are few of the many things that these seniors will miss, but overall are excited to get ready and start the new chapter of their life.
“I loved being a part of Greendale cheer, but I am so excited to see what the future holds for me,” senior Alexa Bantle said.