Snow causes problems but also fun for GHS students


Caden Sanchez, Staff Writer

So far this year Wisconsin has had the biggest amount of snow on the ground since 2001. And all the snow means lots of shoveling and problems with driving, especially teenagers because they have less experience driving.                                                                                                                                      

Senior Matthias Holzman has definitely had issues in the snow so far, “Whenever there’s a lot of snow I go slow, but then I am late for school,” he said. 

Holzman has had to shovel numerous times and was also in a car accident because of the snow. “My grandparents have an ergonomic shovel because they’re older, so when I shovel their driveway it’s a lot easier than when I shovel my own. I’ve had to shovel at least a dozen times this winter,” he said. “On the first day of 2021, I ended up spinning out on the freeway due to the icy roads. I did a 180 and faced traffic for at least ten seconds. Thankfully, I landed gently in a snowbank on the side and my car was perfectly fine,” Holzman said. 

Senior,Jacob Martin has also had trouble driving in the snow. “Sometimes the snow is too much for my car to handle and it makes travel times much longer,” he said. 

Martin has also had trouble when he is shoveling. “I’ve had to shovel every time it snows, and the main challenge is if you do it before the plow comes through and then you have to shovel again,” he said. 

Despite these issues, some people are creating ways to have fun in the snow. “I think it’s fun to wear good boots and walk out in the snow, especially when it’s up past my ankles. I’ve also ended up laying in the snow while my little sisters were playing outside, and I swear it’s more comfortable than any bed,” Holzman said. 

Freshman Ryan Bilan is a very big fan of the winter. “I love winter because you can go skiing and there is fluffy snow,” he said. “I like to go skiing a lot, as much as five days a week,” he said. 

Even though students are having trouble in the snow, GHS students are still creating ways to make the snow fun.