As Halloweekend came to an end many have a lot to look back on, making memories with friends and family. Some stayed home giving out candy, while others went out trick or treating and went to parties.
“I went to a Halloween party and had a bonfire with friends,” sophomore Lyla Gibson said.
“I stayed at my friend’s house dressed up as scary characters, looking to scare the little kids that walked up to the house,” senior Alex Klaus said.
Students put a lot of thought and effort into their costumes, not just doing the basic costumes but many that were different from others. “I dressed up as Britney Spears from the Oops!… I Did It Again music video because it’s an iconic blonde costume and I loved watching the video as a kid,” senior Caiya Fuentes said.
While many high schoolers think they are too old to celebrate halloween by dressing up and going trick or treating. Others believe that they will never grow out of that part of their inner childhood. “I went trick or treating with my little brother and my friend, and it felt like I was a kid again going trick or treating with my friends,” senior Isaiah Ramirez said.
There were many costumes that students liked, “ I went to a Halloween party and there were many great costumes but there was this couple that dressed up as a cookie and a cup of milk. I thought it was so cute,” senior Nikola Hajdarevic said.
Instead of going out and celebrating Halloween, some watched Halloween movies and made cookies, “I don’t like going out to public places so I just stayed home and watched scary movies with my girlfriend. We also made ghost cookies,” senior James Napierela said.