Students excited for Roaring 20s Prom


Olivia Ortiz, Editor in Chief

Since the 2020 Prom was cancelled, the 2021 Prom has students excited with the expectation that it will be a blast. The Student Council advisers and members have put in a lot of time and effort to make this an enjoyable night for all upperclassmen. 

Prom will take place on May 21 and follows the theme of the Roaring 20’s. This was the theme originally planned for the 2020 Prom, but due to Covid, it was canceled. It will begin with two different Grand Marches. This has been a tradition at GHS for many years. It has always been something that students look forward to as a way to start their Prom night where they are able to walk and pose with their date. The first Grand March starts at 4pm and the second one will begin at 5pm. Prom Court Coronation will be held after the second Grand March, where Prom king and queen will be named. 

Senior Emily Walker is happy that the Grand March is still happening. “I think the Grand March being split into two is fine, but I don’t really think it’s necessary,” Walker said. “I’m happy they are doing the Grand March because I like seeing everyone’s outfits and dresses and I know a lot of other people do too.”  

The Prom location has also changed for this year’s event, and it will be held at Western Lakes Golf Club in Pewaukee. The location has plenty of room for a spaced out event, and a beautiful set up. “We needed to move out of Milwaukee County or it would be nearly impossible to dance and we would have to limit the group to 150 people. This venue is nice and also has Saz’s catering, so we know the food will be good,” Wagner said.

Junior Abby Laplante plans on attending Prom this year and is excited. “I think Prom will still be very fun. I’m just excited to get dressed up. I decided to go to the dance because I went to all of the dances and didn’t want to skip my junior Prom,” she said. 

Many girls had fun picking out their prom dresses for this year. Junior Alyssa Dorava enjoyed her time preparing for Prom. “My mom and I drove down to Peaches Boutique with Jenna Ridder and her mom. It was a super fun experience because we tried on lots of dresses together. My dress was $600 and I’m really excited to wear it,” Dorava said. 

Although things will be a little different because of safety precautions, the hope for Prom this year is to make it as normal as possible.. “We will have tables as spread out as possible and utilize different areas of the room and two outside tents to facilitate the dancing and distancing,” Wagner said. 

Tickets were sold at the end of April and 260 people will attend this year, which is similar to past years.. Junior Danny Hanlon is one of the Student Council members planning Prom and hopes that everyone enjoys it. “I think that students will enjoy being able to be together in a larger group at a school event which is something that students have really had this year,” Hanlon said. 

Although some people are worried about the success of this Prom, Hanlon thinks it will all turn out well. “I would tell students who are skeptical that they should just try to make the most of it and to be grateful Ms. Wagner was able to plan such a good Prom,” he said.