As Halloween comes to an end, there are a few horror films that are being shown in theaters, and one of them is Terrifier 3 and much like this one the other two are gore filled, although there may have been more gore this time.
The producers used the same cast in the sequel but are also evolving the plot at the same time. Art the Clown is played by David Howard Thornton and the two main characters Sienne and Jonathan played by Lauren LaVera and Elliott Fullam.
Terrifier 3 starts off with Sienna and Jonathan 5 years after Terrifier 2, in an attempt to get their life together after seeing their father get murdered by Art the Clown and being tortured by him for years. Sienna has been in and out of hospitals as well as moving in with her aunt and uncle. During the holidays she enjoys her company with her family hoping she wouldn’t need to worry about her old rivalry Art the Clown. During the duration of the movie Jonathan and Sienna are put through Art the Clowns trials and tribulations, being hurt by him every other day and constantly needing to watch their backs all the time.
I personally think the producers could have used their budget more for the actors instead of all the gore. I feel that the acting was alright, but I have definitely seen better acting in a horror movie.
I think Art the Clown’s persona is really funny to watch, He uses a lot of irony and the whole costume just ties it in. There was tons of gore, which I liked, but I think they spent too much money on fake blood when they could have used it for so many other things.
The producers, Damien Leone and Phil Falcone used the lunatic fabled plot of the first movie and took the gore from the second movie to make a well balanced hair-raising thriller.
The one take away I noticed through the movie is that it should have more jumpscares and they should have been less anticipated so you can actually be scared.
I think they ended the movie with Art the Clown fleeing so they are able to continue the series. However I don’t think they should continue to make any more.