Students excited for Six Flags Reopening


Olivia Ortiz, Editor in Chief

Many students enjoy going to Six Flags for a fun day trip during the summer and fall. Due to Covid, Six Flags Great America shut down for about a year, somany people were disappointed that they could not participate in their summer trips with their friends and family last year. 

Since the park reopened on April 24, many people are looking to buy season passes. Junior Cade Wilson bought a season pass for this year. “A lot of my friends got a pass this year with me, so I plan on going a lot with them throughout the summer,” she said. Even though there are some restrictions due to Covid-19 at the park, many people still plan on returning.

Due to the pandemic, Six Flags now requires you to make a reservation before you go. They also require the Robust Health Policy, which requires that attendees must be healthy 14 days prior to attending the park. Along with that, temperatures are checked at the door, masks are required as of now, and proper distancing measures have been put into place on and off the rides. However, masks are not required in pools or on water park attractions. 

Many of the same roller coasters such as Raging Bull, Goliath, and The Eagle remain at the park.  “My favorite ride is probably the Demon because I like the three loops and the corkscrews,” Wilson said. 

On top of those, a new addition has been added in the past two years and many are excited to finally try it out. The new ride MaxxForce has a max height of 175 feet while traveling at a speed of 78 mph. 

Wilson is hesitant to try it out. “I’m not so sure I will be trying out MaxxForce unless I am forced to,” she said.
Others, such as junior Colin Remington and freshman Reese Spranger, are very excited to finally ride it. “I hopefully plan on going to Six Flags about 4-6 times this summer and fall, and cannot wait to try out MaxxForce,” Spranger said. 

Another great feature of Six Flags is their Hurricane Harbor waterpark. Some people who aren’t the biggest fan of roller coasters but love the atmosphere can take part or all of their day to enjoy their waterpark instead. 

With the weather getting warmer, a cool waterpark is the perfect way to have fun. Since many people missed out on that last summer, it is expected to be something very popular for the 2021 summer. “I enjoy going to the waterpark on a super hot day. My favorite rides at the waterpark are the two where the floor drops  because it is a great adrenaline rush,” Remington said. 

 Even with the Covid-19 protocols and the upset of last year’s setbacks, Six Flags aims to get people back to the park to enjoy their summer.